Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today we worked on surface area, volume, and circumference of a sphere. The questions we worked on were:

1. The surface area of a sphere is 1256 sq. cm. what is it's circumference?

2. The surface area of a sphere is 1256 sq. cm. what is its volume?

1. The volume of a sphere is 7234.56 cubic cm. What is its radius?

2. The volume of a sphere is 7234.56 cu. cm. What is its circumference?

3. The volume of a sphere is 7234.56 cu. cm. What is its surface area?

Also he gave us a few tips for our exam. He said that the question numbered 1, about the radius, is not going to be on the exam, but you should do it anyways. He told us one more thing as well. that in order to get # 2 we were to do # 1 first. Be warned though that we are having to do triginometeric figure reviews tomorrow.
almost forgot, the next scribe is going to be ... donna!